Learn how to create a relaxing home.
“The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.” — Marie Kondo
Do you feel like you are constantly battling clutter? Do you find it difficult to keep your home tidy, leading to anxiety or a feeling that your home is not the relaxing sanctuary it could be? At California Clutter Coach, we help clients to realize their vision for a peaceful, orderly home and life.

The task of decluttering for a family of five is overwhelming! Tami divided the process into do-able steps and made the whole process manageable.
My three daughters also loved working with Tami. She honed their skills to keep only what brought them joy and helped them find a home for each item. It was a life-changing experience for the whole family.
J.W.I was a decluttering failure. There, I’ve said it. I had been trying to declutter about twice a year, every year, since forever. And yet my house was still full to the brim with junk!
After reading Marie Kondo’s book, I was checking all of my belongings for joy-sparking, and still there were piles and collections of over-stuffed shelves. Enter … Tami! It took five long sessions and a lot of patience from Tami, but finally, success! My house is orderly and I can finally find things when I need them!
Tami patiently facilitated the process of going through each and every item and releasing the excess. I recommend her wholeheartedly.